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America: A War Machine on Top of a Police State

Joe Biden keeps trying to out-warmonger Donald Trump, and by Joe Biden, I of course mean the team of handlers who are animating the...

Biden Signals a Desire To End the Yemen War. Here’s Why...

If Biden is serious about reaching a diplomatic end to the war, he has a real chance to add ending one of the twenty-first...

Atlantic Council Calls for Regime Change in China

Influential D.C. think tank the Atlantic Council has printed a 26,000-word report laying out its strategy for combating China. Published anonymously, the report states that “the single most...

US regime-change agency NED admits its role in the strife in...

FILE PHOTO. Demonstration to protest against presidential election results, in Independence Square in Minsk, Belarus. © Reuters / Vasily Fedosenko; (inset) Royal Coat of...

Are We Deliberately Trying to Provoke a Military Crisis With Russia?

By Ted Galen Carpenter August 31, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - A dangerous vehicle collision between U.S and Russian soldiers in Northeastern Syria on Aug. 24...

As long as NATO exists, there will be no peace in...

Picture: karen H. nickname.{ pooh} Can ‘brain-dead’ NATO prolong its life by exploiting China?: Global Times editorial NATO held an emergency summit on Thursday to discuss the Ukraine...

A devastating 100-year celebration carried out by a sick Turkey.

The just ongoing and hopefully now ended war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, with Nagorno-Karabakh, with its Armenian population trapped between these states, brings 100-year-old...

$1.8 Billion IMF Ukraine Bailout Money Deposited in Ukraine Oligarch Kolomoyskyi’s...

A huge chunk of the $17 billion in bailout money the IMF granted to Ukraine in April 2014 has been discovered in a bank account in Cyprus controlled by exiled Ukrainian...

Washington Sailing on Collision Course With China

As of this month, the United States is deploying three of its aircraft carriers simultaneously to patrol the Pacific in what is designed to...